Friday, November 15, 2019

Mid-project evaluation

Mid-project evaluation

Discuss what you intended to do as part of the project, has the idea changed?

For my project i intended to take photos of the streets and tourist attractions that i found in London Streets in certain locations. The idea has not changed in the terms of finding these areas and finding different ways to take photographs of them. There is an extra theme that has come about though and that is the idea of creating movement with in a photo. As a result of this i have already started looking at this with in the shoots in terms of physical manipulation, computer manipulation through Photoshop and different techniques using the camera.

What shoots were most successful?

So far my best shoot is probably shoot 4. In this shoot i was using the camera in order to create the movement. The idea was to use motion blur which i then did in a later shoot as it was dark. The reason was that it was too bright in order to capture the movement as i couldn't get a long enough shutter speed. However I was jogged an realised i could create movement via moving the whole camera. This created some really interesting and new way in order to perceive the same landmarks. I think the best photos where the ones with the circular rotation.

Where do you see the work progressing (identify future shoots that you would like to do).

In my work i am looking at shoot 4 as a good place t take my work forward. I am planning on doing night shoots as it will allow me to try the motion blur in London. As well as there will be different things to photograph as the night life in London is very different to the day life. For a start there will be lots of lights which may allow an interesting interpretation of what I am taking a photograph of. For example there is motion blur but then i can allow use the same technique i used in shoot 4 by moving the camera.

I am also going to look at moving the camera for movement. I also am going to pair this with the artist Alexey Titarenko, who doesn't always work with in staged and perfectly composed photography when shooting. As well as this i am going to stick with the idea of Henry Carter Benson and the idea of 'the decisive moment'. This will allow more freedom of movement with the camera when taking a photograph.