Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Work Record 5

Shoot 5

Plan for the shoot

For photo shoot 5 I decided to return back to my last shoot, were I decided to do motion blur. However when doing it there was an issue with the sun was to bright, this led to overexposed pictures and not been able to get the desired effect. As a result, I have decided to retry this technique in order to correct the mistakes by shooting at a later time in the day whether some was not as much of an issue.

Location: 'The City' + Covent Garden 

The reason for this location is because there are many roads and inter junctions. As a result I'm planning to use the technique motion blur in order to capture movement of cars and buses along the roads. the reason I am going to do this is in order to check that I have the correct camera settings. From there I am planning to see if I can have the desired effect on people, the only thing that could become an issue is if there are too many people within the area and I cannot use a tripod.

- tripod
- Nikon D3100, 18 - 55mm camera

- RAW shooting
- Motion Blur

Research influence

David Gutierrez - series 'EXPOSURE'

('Night Pulse', the shard, London, UK)

This photo was taken of the shard in London on one of the many bridges. It has a very long shutter speed in order to capture the movement of the traffic. A tripod must have been used due to the stability of the buildings in the background and there must have been enough movement of traffic in order to form the light lines. These light lines are leading lines and pull the viewers eyes into the picture starting from the left-hand side through to the right therefore creating movement within the image.

(Christmas ready – Oxford Street (2017), London, UK)

Within the second photo taken on Oxford Street in London, the Christmas lights are shown  indicating it is around December time. The photographer has again used motion blur within the image in order to create movement that forces the viewer's eyes along the light lines (leading lines). For this photo you must be standing on a crossing or somewhere where the road opens up in order to set up the tripod and not bother the flow of the traffic.

Image Bank ( 3-5 )

For this image that I put in, light streaks created by the traffic curve round the roads and I would like to look for areas where I can create the same effect. This was added as a good representation of the image i am planning on taking. As well as this i'm using the same idea of shooting at night.

In this photo the shutter speed is slower than the image above and it creates a drastically different effect. The bus in this image is still clear however in motion and the viewer can see the directional movement. 

The last image has the same long shutter speed as before, as well as this it has been highly manipulated possibly on Photoshop. Hue and Saturation has definitely been altered and possibly the contrast has been increased as well. 

Contact sheet 

Best Photos

For my first photo I decided to use a slightly slower shutter speed in order to capture a more solidified vehicle. Therefore allowing the viewer to be able to tell what the photo actually is about as they are able to tell what the moving part is. The use of the tripod within this photo allowed me to keep the background and foreground still, so you can see the movement of the traffic with out excessive movement of the camera.

Within the second photo I adjusted my shutter speed. For this adjustment I increase my shutter speed allowing more movement of traffic and therefore blurry lines where the traffic passed. On the left-hand side of the photo there is a shadowed person this shows that they were standing just long enough in order to have an impact of the image. This shows the viewer that a person was only there for a temporary moment before they moved on.

Where I was located for this photo there was an issue of too many people passing through, as a result I couldn't use a tripod. In order to combat this I used a bin in order to balance my camera and keep a steady background. This photo allows the eyes of the viewer to travel through by using lines of coloured light in order to engage and attract their eyes. This allows the eyes to move from the right-hand side of the photo down the road past the coloured building which was the main focus (the bright colours allowed it to stand out within the otherwise dark background).

My fourth photo is similar to my third however I adjusted the timing of which I took the photo so that there was less buses which caused less lines of light. As result of this viewer's eyes are more drawn to the colours of the background building and then pulled onto the lines of light starting with the cars, allowing their eyes to exit through the left-hand side of the photo.

For this photo I was standing on a bridge, I increased my shutter speed in order to capture as much movement of traffic as possible. While taking this photo I was waiting for a bus to go past in order to get the different heights of lights. However for this photo I was not able to use a tripod due to the amount of people walking on the bridge therefore if I was to retake this photo I would find in area where I could balance the camera better than the area that I did. The reason for this is that the background is still a little bit shaky.

All photos above were inspired by my first photographer and his use of motion blur at night.

In my last photo I decided that I would try and create the effect that I wanted where I was able to blur the people walking. These photos were inspired by my second photographer, the effect whereby all physical features are blurred and therefore there is no definition. Again there was the same issue as on the bridge where I was not able to find an area to place my tripod without someone hitting it. Therefore next time found to use motion blur I will scout the area beforehand to find the best places to set up my camera. This photo allows the viewer a visual representation of how busy that area is as the blur effect gives a chaotic and busy feeling to photo.

Needs improvement

In this photo I was trying to capture movement on the ceiling due to the describable turning. However my shutter speed was too high therefore causing the white lights to become over exposed. As well as this due to angles there is a lot of camera shake and therefore caused the whole picture to blur.

This photo needs improvement essay did not capture any of the effect that I was looking for. For a start there was no traffic as a result the lines of light in order to show movement within the photo was not there. Secondly I did not have the correct camera settings as the whole picture is too bright. I did read this photo however keeping all of these things in mind in changing the settings, achieving the desired effect.

The part of this photo which needs improvement is the amount of camera shake. This camera shake was due to someone bumping into my tripod as I was taking the photo therefore causing distortion especially on the left-hand side of the photo. As well as this distortion in camera shake you can see that overall the whole picture is blurry showing that I did not have the correct focus point as well.

In this photo I did achieve the desired effect of blurry people to make them look like fog, as shown in my second artist. However due to not being able to use a tripod the building in the background has become blurry and shows minimal camera shake but due to long shutter speed it's very noticeable. To improve this photo I would need to find a place where I can set up my tripod without getting knocked over.

For my last photo, I was experimenting with the effect of a long shutter speed as I was walking. However this did not show any desired effect, whereby the viewer's eyes are able to travel through the photo using something that is physically manipulated or computer done.

AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress

Best Photos

For my first photo I decided to use a slightly slower shutter speed in order to capture a more solidified vehicle. Therefore allowing the viewer to be able to tell what the photo actually is about as they are able to tell what the moving part is. The use of the tripod within this photo allowed me to keep the background and foreground still, so you can see the movement of the traffic with out excessive movement of the camera.
Within the second photo I adjusted my shutter speed. For this adjustment I increase my shutter speed allowing more movement of traffic and therefore blurry lines where the traffic passed. On the left-hand side of the photo there is a shadowed person this shows that they were standing just long enough in order to have an impact of the image. This shows the viewer that a person was only there for a temporary moment before they moved on.
Where I was located for this photo there was an issue of too many people passing through, as a result I couldn't use a tripod. In order to combat this I used a bin in order to balance my camera and keep a steady background. This photo allows the eyes of the viewer to travel through by using lines of coloured light in order to engage and attract their eyes. This allows the eyes to move from the right-hand side of the photo down the road past the coloured building which was the main focus (the bright colours allowed it to stand out within the otherwise dark background).
My fourth photo is similar to my third however I adjusted the timing of which I took the photo so that there was less buses which caused less lines of light. As result of this viewer's eyes are more drawn to the colours of the background building and then pulled onto the lines of light starting with the cars, allowing their eyes to exit through the left-hand side of the photo.
For this photo I was standing on a bridge, I increased my shutter speed in order to capture as much movement of traffic as possible. While taking this photo I was waiting for a bus to go past in order to get the different heights of lights. However for this photo I was not able to use a tripod due to the amount of people walking on the bridge therefore if I was to retake this photo I would find in area where I could balance the camera better than the area that I did. The reason for this is that the background is still a little bit shaky.
All photos above were inspired by my first photographer and his use of motion blur at night.
In my last photo I decided that I would try and create the effect that I wanted where I was able to blur the people walking. These photos were inspired by my second photographer, the effect whereby all physical features are blurred and therefore there is no definition. Again there was the same issue as on the bridge where I was not able to find an area to place my tripod without someone hitting it. Therefore next time found to use motion blur I will scout the area beforehand to find the best places to set up my camera. This photo allows the viewer a visual representation of how busy that area is as the blur effect gives a chaotic and busy feeling to photo.

AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.

Using my Nikon D3100 and tripod where possible, I corrected the mistakes from my last work record. Due to location I had to adapt as much as possible as people kept walking into the tripod. This led to me having to use brick walls and a bin at one point as a makeshift tripod in order to  try and obtain a stationary background.This was so the only movement shown was through the moving vehicles instead of camera movement. I also corrected the time of day where by before it was too bright due to the sun, this shoot took place during the night.

The main settings i used:
ISO 800
F stop 22
Shutter Speed 4 - 6 seconds
Manual settings and focus.

AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other source, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding

For all my photos I'm planning on using Adobe photo shop to create different computer manipulations to alter and to store/highlight certain features. I am planning on trying out the sheer effect for distortion, the two-part colour where one partner is black-and-white and the other is full-colour and the glitch effect. These computer manipulations are going to be done on all my photos and will be displayed at the end to show the difference in effects.

The pictures below obtained using the snip tool show how I obtained each effect.

Firstly, I made two layers so I could manipulate the hue and saturation of the street and buildings for one and the bus movement and traffic light colour for the other.

Then I used the background and street selection and changed the hue and saturation to black and white. With the movement of the buses I slightly increased the saturation in order too make them stand out more.

From there I added longitudinal glitch by highlighting this section I wanted to move using the rectangular wrap tool.Then I selected the move tool and used the arrow selection on the keyboard in order to move that section left or right to the amount that I wanted.

Lastly, using the base layer that did not have the glitch effect I clicked on the filter button located in the search bar and went down to distortion where this shear effect is located. I then manipulated the photo as shown in the image above.

Screenshots taken using the Snipping tool

Results of the computer experiments 

Base edited 1st Photo. Using the selection tool and having the bursts of colour and movement in a higher saturation and making the inverse select very low saturation.

This is one of my favourites out of the computer manipulation experiments, using selective colour splash, as it really highlights the movement within the photo.

Glitch effect using the box tool with the move tool. (example 1 longitudinal)

Glitch effect using the box tool with the move tool. (example 2 latitudinal)

Glitch effect using the box tool with the move tool. (example 3 space to show the sections moved)
This was the best glitch effect as it shows the edges and distortions. As it causes a bigger effect when you can see the edges when compared to having a flat edge.

 Shear tool used (example 1 high amount of wave used)

Shear tool used (example 2 less wave used)

These edits are really interesting as the shear effect pulls the viewers eyes in the way the photo is pulled. Its really interesting as that could pull the eyes of the viewer in the completely wrong direction to the flow. However it could also enhance the movement direction. 

All EDIT's shown below.

Selective colour splash to highlight the movement

I then cropped out the edges to make distortion. 



Cropped out the edges



Cropped out the edges


Cropped out the edges


AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, make connections between visual and other elements.


For this shoot i really enjoyed the computer experimentation using Photoshop. This allowed me to learn a few new skills when it comes to using Photoshop. I am planning on possibly continuing the use of these new skills as the effects are interesting and create a different way of displaying the photo. By doing this shoot i was able to correct the mistakes from shoot 4 as i managed to obtain the motion blur photos i was looking for. Unlike work record four I had a different photographer's influence, this was because of time of day and type of photo I was looking to take. As a result I was heavily influenced by David Gutierrez – series 'Exposure'. As he used the same techniques i'm planning on using these techniques are using a tripod when shooting and motion blur. He also shoots at night within this series which linked very closely to what I did as I needed to shoot at night as it made it slightly easier to correct the mistakes I made.

Within my next shoot I am planning on going back to the same place in Covent Garden and using the purposely movement of the camera, the technique I did in shoot 4. The reason for this is because I liked the effect and I wonder how this would affect the lights and Christmas lights set up in the area. I really like this and i am interested in the idea of how this could look after a computer manipulation like a glitch. therefore in my next work record I am planning to use this idea in order to create a very different looking photo. I plan on using both the physical movement of the camera and the computer manipulation together in the next record and I think this could yield some very interesting results.

What i am looking for:
– movement with in the photo whether this be through the movement of the camera or the computer manipulation I plan on using.

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